Wow! Reading thru the Michigan Alumni email, I am immersed in Marissa Wojcik’s Challah Journey!
There is this sense of, be open to all of the things happening around you, keep your eyes open and your heart open to all of the people on similiar paths. Did you read the Celestine Prophcey? Literally a grocery store romance novel of spirituality and I STILL LOVE IT.
There are so many of us looking for answers, gently kneading, baking and sharing Jewish culture.
This is also an important time to connect with you or whoever I am sharing a Challah with, let them know the bread is a meditation on peace, braided together intentionally connecting us.

I was feeling bad this morning, looking at my Challah that was wrapped from yesterday, knowing it was just ok at best. Maybe it was the cooking, maybe I over rested, probably both. This isn’t about perfect Challah, or maybe it is, you know.
Yesterday, I biked over to Peter and handed over a Challah, a little too sweet forward, to my friend who is under the weather and needed the thoughts I was having for him as I baked. It was a quick and distant exchange and only possible because Peter expects me to be a little crazy.
The second Challah was a block over to Elise and Kevin who inspire me to create and share. I’m a fan of Kevin’s art, and I know Elise can really cook so it is doubly important that I let go of my ego and remind myself that the intention is to share peace and remind them they have Jewish friends who are still working on it, peace.
People, we all practice differently, I’m hoping to inspire you to bake, meditate, and share that with people you care about.